
3 Things to Keep in Mind as You Write Serial Fiction

The cover and title should grab potential reader at first glance. You want to give any potential reader no choice but to check out your story. Your...

Is An Author Platform Important for Those Who Write Serial Fiction?

Building an author platform is important if you want readers to find your stories. A platform is one of the most effective ways of being discovered....

Using a PKM for writing

The newest wave of productivity software is the Personal Knowledge Manager (PKM). PKMs have been around for a while—DevonThink on Macs is an early...

Editors Wanted

Working at Tuesday Serial is a weekly joy to discover new stories, promote our authors and contribute to the community of serial readers and writers...

We Have One Writing Challenge – But How About A Writing Challenge Specifically for Serial Fiction? – Cameron D. Blackwell

I’m sure we’re all familiar with the November writing challenge known as National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. It’s all fine and good if you...


Chapter 20.1: Concrete Plans

Chapter 20.1: Concrete Plans

Armed with a list of reasons, he asked Jodie if Toby could join them: Toby didn’t have family to spend the day with so he met that qualification, and he and Jodie managed to co-exist the other night without everything descending into pandemonium. For good measure,...

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Humanity’s Final Threat

Four city dome strongholds that had been protecting humankind across Realta (Old Japan), since the last age of threat known as The Fall, were facing an internal and external threat of monsters, demons, and a parasitic virus simultaneously. A prologue teaser of a time...

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Chapter 3

Chapter 3

PART 3: Casey and Jarrad discover a cave. A reluctant introvert and a passionate outdoorsman arrive at a romantic getaway, only to discover their cottage (and what lurks beneath) holds more than meets the eye. This COMPLETED story is a romantic blend of quiet horror...

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A Serial Renaissance – by Bea Moyes of Ether Books

  This month, we are very pleased to have as our special guest Bea Moyes from Ether Books.  Bea is the Content and Social Media Director at Ether Books.  She is here to tell us about the resurgence of the serial as a literary form and how Ether Books serves...

Tuesday Serial Blog Hop Jan 18, 2011

Greetings, writers! Last week, we launched our guest post feature with Sage Cohen who prompted us to take a look at our writing life last year to spark ideas for how to approach the coming year (and beyond!). If you haven't read the post yet, go ahead. We'll be here...