Episode 1 – Kal, The Man Behind the Wooden Shield
A lost Argonaut cannot hide from his fate, the will of Olympos cannot be ignored. Kal leaves his...
Science Fiction
Datafile 0022
Commander Ito meets with the mysterious Council. Blood SprawlRead this episode at...
The Darklord Cometh
Ernie is about to blow the Darklord case wide open… SuperMegaNetRead this episode at...
Episode 1 – Kal, The Man Behind the Wooden Shield
A lost Argonaut cannot hide from his fate, the will of Olympos cannot be ignored. Kal leaves his...
Young Adult
Season 3, Episode 8 – “The Black Trenchcoats”
the eighth episode of RISE and REVOLT’s third season. RISE and REVOLTRead this episode at...
Kendra Brooks Park
Issue 7. Crystal uses her power to shapeshift again, then meets up with Extraordinaire during...
Kendra Brooks Park
Issue 7. Crystal uses her power to shapeshift again, then meets up with Extraordinaire during...
Season 3, Episode 8 – “The Black Trenchcoats”
the eighth episode of RISE and REVOLT’s third season. RISE and REVOLTRead this episode at...
Season 3, Episode 8 – “The Black Trenchcoats”
the eighth episode of RISE and REVOLT’s third season. RISE and REVOLTRead this episode at...
- Guest posts and special events
3 Things to Keep in Mind as You Write Serial Fiction
The cover and title should grab potential reader at first glance. You want to give any potential...

TuesdaySerial Reports
(See a listing of all episodes posted for a given week.)