
3 Things to Keep in Mind as You Write Serial Fiction

The cover and title should grab potential reader at first glance. You want to give any potential reader no choice but to check out your story. Your...

Is An Author Platform Important for Those Who Write Serial Fiction?

Building an author platform is important if you want readers to find your stories. A platform is one of the most effective ways of being discovered....

Using a PKM for writing

The newest wave of productivity software is the Personal Knowledge Manager (PKM). PKMs have been around for a while—DevonThink on Macs is an early...

Editors Wanted

Working at Tuesday Serial is a weekly joy to discover new stories, promote our authors and contribute to the community of serial readers and writers...

We Have One Writing Challenge – But How About A Writing Challenge Specifically for Serial Fiction? – Cameron D. Blackwell

I’m sure we’re all familiar with the November writing challenge known as National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. It’s all fine and good if you...


Wolf: pt

Wolf: pt

A follow-up story to Hy-Ruh-Ha. Oeric'Sheldmartin returns home from his time away and is reflective about his experiences in life to that point.

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Chapter 21.2: Pitful Sight

Chapter 21.2: Pitful Sight

Something about Avi shifted, as if compassion overrode his gut wrenching misery upon exposure to Mitch’s own pitiful state. Not that Mitch would ever admit to as much, but in a way he banked on that. His gaze went from Mitch’s face to the brownie, and after a little...

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Chapter 20.7: Ground Rules

Chapter 20.7: Ground Rules

Regrouping, Mitch turned to ask Avi if he could bring the vegetable platter into the livingroom, but found himself staring at a blank space that seconds ago was occupied by his friend. He looked around the kitchen, but Avi was gone. “Ah.” Mitch’s mouth formed a line,...

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Chapter 20.3: Invasive Species

Chapter 20.3: Invasive Species

But he’s aware that he must get better with allowing people to share themselves with him. It’s uncomfortable to put someone in that position of being vulnerable, and out of empathy he never wants to intrude. It’s also uncomfortable to be presented with such...

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A Home for Serial Fiction by John Petitte of DiscoverLit

Today we are pleased to welcome a special guest - John Petitte is the CEO of DiscoverLit, a startup based in Durham, North Carolina.  John contacted Tuesday Serial to learn more about our community and as we learned more about his company, we thought that Tuesday...

What Podcasting Can Do For Your Web Serial by Brand Gamblin

  We are pleased to welcome a special guest to Tuesday Serial today.  Writer Brand Gamblin is among a group of innovative writers who pioneered the use of podcasting to expand the readership for their novels.  Today we are featuring the first in a two-post series...

Four Timeless Tips to Make Your Serial a Success by Doug Lance

We are very pleased to welcome a special guest to Tuesday Serial. Doug Lance is the Editor-in-Chief of eFiction which has published pieces from several Tuesday Serial contributors including Aaron M. Wilson and Tonya Moore, among others.  He has built not only a...

Why I Write Web Serials by Sharon T. Rose

  This week, we are pleased to have a guest post from Sharon T. Rose who has posted episodes of her serial “Space n Time” to Tuesday Serial.  This post resulted from a conversation on Google+ where somebody asked what the deal was with serial fiction.  Sharon’s...

Interview: Jim Bronyaur and “Pulsate”

We have a special guest today - Jim Bronyaur, author of the the supernatural thriller serial "Pulsate". Jim will be familiar to many writers on twitter, and we're pleased to have him here to tell us a bit about his work.   Q. Jim, before we talk about Pulsate,...

Lou on Writing: Act 2 by Lou Freshwater

We are pleased to welcome Lou Freshwater to our Tuesday Serial site with a series of two posts.  Lou is a writer, poet and freelance editor we have had the pleasure to come to know through the #FridayFlash community.  We hope that you enjoy her posts and find some way...

Lou on Writing: Act 1 by Lou Freshwater

We are pleased to welcome Lou Freshwater to our Tuesday Serial site with a series of two posts.  Lou is a writer, poet and freelance editor we have had the pleasure to come to know through the #FridayFlash community.  We hope that you enjoy her posts and find some way...