

We could like to invite you – Tuesday Serial contributors past, present and future and others interested in our community – to consider submitting to our featured Guest Post column. Beginning on September 13, we will have guest post slots available every other week. If you’d like to write a guest post for us on some aspect of writing or publishing serial fiction we would love to feature you. We also accept reprints of posts that you’ve made for your own personal blog. Please share with our community what works for you, what doesn’t work for you, or what you’ve learned along your journey of writing serial fiction. If you have an idea but you’re not sure whether it works, please contact us and we can discuss it.

We have the following date slots available at this time:

September 13, September 27, October 11, October 25, November 8, November 22, December 6, December 20.

Please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to share your work with the community and expand your readership!

What’s the next step? Review our submission guidelines, select a date and send us an email with the date you’d like, along with either a description of the post you will write or a draft of the post, as indicated in the guidelines. Not sure what you want to write about yet, but want to grab your date? No problem, just send us an email and we can reserve the date for you if it is still available.

And we’d like to send out a big thank you to all of our contributors and community members – YOU are the reason why the Tuesday Serial community is thriving!