Our writers knew that you’d be wanting something to read in the midst of end-of-summer holidays and getting the kids ready for back to school.  So, they have joined us this week for 26 new serial episodes, including one debut – “Hunt With Purpose – Calen Natari Saga 1″ by Alain Gomez and two conclusions – “Verifiable” by Ayami Tyndall and “Mummy Powder” by Lance Schonberg.

Please spread the word about Tuesday Serial to all your reading friends. With so many serials this week, there’s bound to be one for every taste.

Last week we featured a post from SgL about using Wattpad for promote your serial fiction. Wattpad is a free  platform that is the hottest new way to read stories, via web and smartphone apps. How can you use the features like notifications, alerts to keep in touch with a robust community of readers and writers? If you missed the post, now’s your chance to catch it.

Web Serial Writing Month is going strong. Are any of our contributors participating in WeSeWriMo, Web Serial Writing Month? We’d love to hear about your experience so far!

WRITERS: Do you have news to share in next week’s report? Have an idea for a guest blog post? Did your serial get published? Have some other news for everyone? Shoot us an e.mail or a DM so we can share the good news!

As always, if you happen to spot any mistakes or broken links in this week’s TuesdaySerial report, let us know!

p.s. Writers, if your story is missing, please leave a comment on this post with the Title, author and a link. Readers, be sure to check the comments for any late additions.


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