
3 Things to Keep in Mind as You Write Serial Fiction

The cover and title should grab potential reader at first glance. You want to give any potential reader no choice but to check out your story. Your...

Is An Author Platform Important for Those Who Write Serial Fiction?

Building an author platform is important if you want readers to find your stories. A platform is one of the most effective ways of being discovered....

Using a PKM for writing

The newest wave of productivity software is the Personal Knowledge Manager (PKM). PKMs have been around for a while—DevonThink on Macs is an early...

Editors Wanted

Working at Tuesday Serial is a weekly joy to discover new stories, promote our authors and contribute to the community of serial readers and writers...

We Have One Writing Challenge – But How About A Writing Challenge Specifically for Serial Fiction? – Cameron D. Blackwell

I’m sure we’re all familiar with the November writing challenge known as National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo. It’s all fine and good if you...


Hy’Ruh-Ha: Chapter 27

Hy’Ruh-Ha: Chapter 27

I didn’t see much of Soletus as he trained. He needed to focus, and I spend most of my time in the infirmary and I gave me a great opportunity to listen to everyone’s opinion. There wasn’t a monk who didn’t talk about it. And they were split up into two camps; ones...

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Chapter 6: First step to Forever

Rumy finds the next client in need of a wish, rich man Cornelius who lives an island in the Pacific Ocean. Security guards protect what looks like a massive fortress. Why does he ask for immortality?

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Hy’Ruh-Ha: Chapter 26

Hy’Ruh-Ha: Chapter 26

Of all the things you want to get into. Why not just ask him? Yes, I know you want my thoughts on the matter, but the only opinion that matters on it is his. But, at the time, I never asked much about what was going on in his personal life. I knew there was some...

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