Thanks to all the readers and writers who joined us this week for #TuesdaySerial!  We are pleased that our regular linky is back this week, so we didn’t have any technical glitches.  Our dedicated contributors present you with 20 new installments this week with no debuts and no conclusions – just more of the same wonderful stories that we love! 🙂

If there are any mistakes or broken links in the report, please let us know!

Tell all your reading and writing friends about us – we’ll be back for more next week! 🙂

So, here is the final list of all of this week’s participants. Happy reading & writing! 🙂

ps Writers, if your story is missing, please leave a comment on this post with the Title, author and a link. Readers, be sure to check the comments for any late additions.

  1. Kandy Fangs 20 – Memory Thief by David G Shrock
  2. Tinkeress (Part 2) by Stephen Potter
  3. Amnar: The Expulsion 54 “He Must Really Trust You” by I J Black
  4. A Man Called Truth, Pt. 3: Big Shot by Ramsey Lyons
  5. The Photograph – Part 3 by DP Vaughan ( @ inshin)
  6. Killing Time OST – 8a – Cleanse by Aheila
  7. White Pickups 75 by FARfetched
  8. THOKI N LOR, by Monica Marier Pt. 3: LAND OF THE VIKINGS
  9. Beyond Knowledge: Page 69: Truth Across The Waves. By Ayami Tyndall.
  10. The Mythical Creatures Employment Exchange. #12. By Justin Davies
  1. Pas de Chat, Ch. 35, pt. 2 by Katherine Nabity
  2. Price Breaks and Heartaches Chapter Five part ten by Al Bruno III
  3. Chads Oracles chapter three by AL BRUNO III
  4. The Smell Collector: #18 Next of Kin by David Burns
  5. Unfamiliar Magic by Aaron Conaway, Entry Eight – Neighborly
  6. Black Alice: 40) Foreplay, by Marci Sischo and James Agle
  7. Daron;s Guitar Chronicles: Get Off My Cloud, by Cecilia Tan
  8. Moonlight and Merlot by Lisa Fox
  9. Shattered Remnants of a Dream #172 by Dan Luffey
  10. Onja – Bounty Agent pt. 7 by Ren Thompson
  11. This linky list is now closed.