Thanks to all the readers and writers who joined us this week for #TuesdaySerial!  Our numbers are down due to #NaNoWriMo this month, but we still have a quorum of 20 wonderful stories for your reading enjoyment!

Please continue to support our past and present contributors who are participating in NaNoWriMo this month:  Keith Dugger, E.D. Lindquist, Lance Schonberg, Xanto Jones, Monica Marier, Noelle Pierce, Susan May and our own Tony Noland.

If I have missed mentioning any debuts or conclusions, please let me know!

Tell all your reading and writing friends about us – we’ll be back for more next week! 🙂

So, here is the final list of all of this week’s participants. Happy reading & writing! 🙂

ps Writers, if your story is missing, please leave a comment on this post with the Title, author and a link. Readers, be sure to check the comments for any late additions.

  1. Comic Superhero Ep 5: A Pyrrhic Victory Adam Byatt @ revhappiness
  2. Shattered Remnants of a Dream #158 by Dan Luffey
  3. Ch. 134 *Yours is No Disgrace* of Darons Guitar Chronicles by C. Tan
  4. Chapter 9: Barter – Chocolatiers of the High Winds by HB Kurtzwilde
  5. Amnar: The Expulsion Part 7. by I J Black
  6. Quantum Steam Theory pt 4/5 by Icy Sedgwick, Tales from Vertigo City
  7. Thorvald's Wyrd, Scene 85 by Lance Schonberg
  8. In The Shadow Of His Nemesis Chapter Eighty Nine By AL BRUNO III
  9. MADAME BLUESTOCKING Part 30: The Exodus, by Monica Marier
  10. Breaking an Empire #6 by James T at The Four Part Land
  1. Pas de Chat, Ch. 21 by Katherine Nabity
  2. Meanwhile in Space #11: Curse of the Minotuar, Part III by Xanto Jones
  3. Ossia: A Novel, by Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier (Folio 2, Page 45)
  4. SuperMegaNet 1. 3: Byte Me, by Jesse Gordon
  5. Anvil of Tears, by Lindquist and Christensen. Chapter 28, page 5.
  6. REVENGE OF THE MASKED GHOST Chapter 9 by Kevin Paul Shaw Broden
  7. Beyond Knowledge, Page 24: A New Education. By Ayami Tyndall.
  8. Cold Ghost: Chapter 5 – Middle of Nowhere by Eva Shandor
  9. Black Alice 26: Plan "B, " by Marci Sischo and James Agle
  10. Monument Minders Chapter Twelve: Untangling a Soul by Cecilia Dominic
  11. This linky list is now closed.