What a great way to kick off the summer reading season! We had 24 entries this week, including the DEBUT episodes of “The Cathari Treasure” by Daniel Arthur Smith and “Mummy Powder” by Lance Schonberg. Welcome aboard! We also saw the CONCLUSION of “Accidental Sorcerers” (Season 3) by TuesdaySerial’s own Larry Kollar, “Estate Planning for the Undead” by Tim VanSant, and “Last Mage” by Andrew Eckhart.

It’s a vibrant, active collection this week here at TuesdaySerial, with something to suit every taste. Please don’t forget to spread the word – our writers are always eager to find new readers. If you’re enjoying the stories, leave them a comment to let them know!

WRITERS: Do you have news to share in next week’s report? Have an idea for a guest blog post? Did your serial get published? Have some other news for everyone? Shoot us an e.mail or a DM so we can share the good news!

As always, if you happen to spot any mistakes or broken links in this week’s TuesdaySerial report, let us know!

p.s. Writers, if your story is missing, please leave a comment on this post with the Title, author and a link. Readers, be sure to check the comments for any late additions.

TOMORROW – We have a special guest post from someone familiar to regular TuesdaySerial readers: Alison Wells (self-publishing as A.B. Wells). Her new novel “Housewife with a Half-Life”, is launching this month. In writing it, she went for a serial format instead of as a traditional format. It’s sure to be an interesting discussion, since she’s looking for feedback and input as she writes the sequel. Be sure to come back tomorrow and join in!

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