Thanks to all the readers and writers who joined us this week for #TuesdaySerial! We have 19 serial stories this week, including the debuts of The Stretch Mark Club by Jamie Raintree and Estival and Poesy – Sara’s Neighbors by Z. J. Woods. Also, this week features the conclusion of Satellite Four by Nick Bryan. As if that weren’t enough, we also have some serials which are in progress, but which are new to us here at TuesdaySerial, such as Stone Soul by Jarl Kennings. There’s a lot going on this week!

Congratulations to Larry Kollar (@Farfetched58) on the release of his ongoing serial, Xenocide as an for the Kindle Store and Smashwords. Go you, Larry!

Did you spot any mistakes or broken links in this week’s TuesdaySerial report? Let us know! Do you have news to share in next week’s report? Have an idea for a guest blog post? Let us know!

Special Alert: We got word from Dwain Dangersmith about a special blog event that he’s hosting, specifically aimed at writers of web serials.

I’m going to do a blog post (or maybe break it into two) that’s a kind of “serials you should be reading”. I’m calling it The 12 Serials of Christmas and I’d love for suggestions from regular Tuesday Serial contributors.

If contributors want to get in touch with me, they can @ or DM me: @thesuperserial

– Dwain


Thank YOU, Dwain! That sounds like a great chance to draw in readers and share the love.

Here are this week’s participants – please spread the word and invite your friends to enjoy all this web sserial goodness, too! Happy reading & writing! 🙂

p.s. Writers, if your story is missing, please leave a comment on this post with the Title, author and a link. Readers, be sure to check the comments for any late additions.


This linky list is now closed.
p.s. Late addition: 19. “Stone Soul: #6, Elsewhere by Jarl Kennings.