… and thus endeth July. The summer is still far from over, and the serial stories keep on going. We had 20 new entries this week including 2 debuts. Thank you for all the awesome contributions! In case you haven’t witnessed it yet (and gotten spooked like I did), you should go check out the Grand Eye and the serial he/she/it is writing. Wow.

Another friendly reminder: TuesdaySerial is for FREE web serials only. Any posting of a serial that requires payment to read will not be included in our weekly reports. However, as fellow fans, writers and readers of serial fiction, by all means include @TuesdaySerial on your posts for your serial works, and our followers can check them out.

Don’t forget to like our Facebook page! Click on #TuesdaySerial to go there. Also, be sure to Retweet any of our posts about this list so more and more folks can learn about all of our serials!

TuesdaySerial is brought to you by the team of Brad Wendel, Carrie Ann Golden, Chuck Allen, and Larry Kollar. Feel free to reach out to any of us with questions.

No matter what genres you love, there’s something for you in this week’s offerings. If you’d rather read only completed serials, you’ll find some in our Graduates section (above). In our Hall of Fame, you can find serials that have been subsequently published – make an author happy and go buy one! If you have questions, just let us know!

Any Beta There?

We have two authors who are still looking for beta readers to help them improve their novels. If you are interested reach out them on Twitter and let them know:

Leo Charles Mc – @illmac54 – Fantasy sci-fi novel; first book in a four part series

Larry Kollar – @FARfetched58 – The next Accidental Sorcerers book, Secret of the Godforsaken

WRITERS: Do you have news to share in next week’s report? Have an idea for a guest blog post? Did your serial get published? Have some other news for everyone? Shoot us an e.mail (tuesdayserial@tuesdayserial.com) or a DM (@tuesdayserial) so we can share the good news!

We strive for 100% perfection every week (of course!), but if you happen to spot any mistakes or broken links in this week’s TuesdaySerial report, let us know! Happy reading (and writing!) until next week!

This linky list is now closed.