Neianne, a shy dryad girl, has enrolled at Faulkren Academy, one of the training grounds for the legendary Caldran mercenaries, the elite soldiers-of-fortune ubiquitous to her homeland of the Confederacy of Caldrein. Her timing could not have been more timely: The war against the neighboring Tenereian Union continues to rage far to the west, and although her modest country is holding on admirably, the superpower continues to press on Caldran land one step at a time. From humble beginnings at Faulkren Academy, Neianne must learn the ways of war, forge bonds with her fellow apprentices, and discover her place in Caldran society. “On the Road to Elspar” is a fantasy quest – a work of interactive fiction wherein readers get to vote on what happens next at critical junctures – that is the first entry in a story that follows Neianne of Caelon

On the Road to Elspar (Book 1)

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