Season 1, Episode 4 – “Brother”
The fourth episode of Kings of Cambridge's first season.

Season 3, Episode 4 – “Acceptance”
The fourth episode of RISE and REVOLT's third season.

Season 1, Episode 3 – “Prodigal Son”
The third episode of Kings of Cambridge's first season.

Season 3, Episode 3 – “Trying Not to Get Attached”
The third episode of RISE and REVOLT's third season.

Season 1, Episode 2 – “Necessary”
The second episode of Kings of Cambridge's first season.

Season 3, Episode 2 – “Everything’s Going to Be Okay
A look back at Lou's whereabouts over the last few months since the sinking of the S.S Euronam.

Kendra Brooks Park
Issue 7. Crystal uses her power to shapeshift again, then meets up with Extraordinaire during setup for the charity event.

The plan
Issue 7. In his meeting with Olivia, Lucas lays out exactly how the heist is going to go.

S1, E1 – “Hail to the King”
In the series premiere, Matthew Tory meets his new employer with a moral dilemma to offer whilst keeping himself quiet about the goings on he doesn't want the world to know he's involved in. New episodes of Kings of Cambridge premiere at 5am EST every Sunday morning...

S3, E1 – “It’s Lou”
A Rise spin-off. In the season three premiere, the aftermath of S.S Euronam's sinking begins from the perspective of Lou Jack, a survivor who- for the first time since the outbreak began in Los Angeles- finds himself truly alone along the coast of Vancouver Island.