There’s a change in the air. Fall is on the way in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring in the Southern Hemisphere. All over the world, writers are scribbling or typing away at outdoor tables, favorite beverages close at hand…
And that means we had a great turnout for Tuesday Serial this week: 37 new serial installments for your reading pleasure, including 6 debuts:
- The Rest Room by Kimberly A. McKenzie
- Universal Nexus Intellects by A.O. John
- The Boston Chronicles by Farha
- Tales of Pirate Kitty by Emma
- Nightwaves by Annie Gebler
- Founders’ Legacy by K. I. Kiselev
And congratulations to JB Starre, who concluded his long-running fantasy The Wizard’s Prophecy!
No matter what genres you love, there’s something for you in this week’s offerings. If you’d rather read only completed serials, you’ll find some in our Graduates section (above). In our Hall of Fame, you can find serials that have been subsequently published – make an author happy and go buy one! As always, if you have questions, just let us know!
If you haven’t seen it yet, check out last week’s guest post Serial Fiction: Keepin’ it Real by Cecilia Tan. We have guest posts slotted for every other Thursday through the fall, so remember to come back to check them out. (We have openings for November 8th and December 20th—if you want to contribute a guest post, let us know!)
WRITERS: Do you have news to share in next week’s report? Have an idea for a guest blog post? Did your serial get published? Have some other news for everyone? Shoot us an e.mail ( or a DM (@tuesdayserial) so we can share the good news!
As always, if you happen to spot any mistakes or broken links in this week’s TuesdaySerial report, let us know! Happy reading (and writing!).