Thanks to all the readers and writers who took time from their Valentine’s Day actvities to join us for #TuesdaySerial! We have 18 serials for your reading pleasure this week, including the debut of “The Void” by Chris White, the beginning of season 2 of “Accidental Sorcerers” by Larry Kollar, and the beginning of volume four of “The Taqueria of Lost Souls” by Jesse Gordon. This week also sees the conclusion of “The Dorothy Delusion” by John Xero. Enjoy!

Is there life after Tuesday Serial
? There certainly is! If you are a Tuesday Serial contributor and have published your serial as either an e-book or a dead-tree book, please let us know. We are updating our Hall of Fame pages. The “Graduates” pages have been recently updated, so if your completed serial does not appear on the list, please let us know.

Next week we’ll have a special guest post on the benefits of writing serial fiction. You won’t want to miss it!

Did you spot any mistakes or broken links in this week’s TuesdaySerial report? Let us know! Do you have news to share in next week’s report? Have an idea for a guest blog post? Have some news for everyone? Let us know!

Here are this week’s episodes – please spread the word and invite your friends to enjoy all this web serial goodness, too! Happy reading & writing! 🙂

p.s. Writers, if your story is missing, please leave a comment on this post with the Title, author and a link. Readers, be sure to check the comments for any late additions.

This linky list is now closed.