Thanks to all the readers and writers who joined us this week for #TuesdaySerial! We had 18 serials for your reading pleasure this week, including the debuts of The Stein & Candle Detective Agency by Michael Panush, and Daughter of Glass by Vicki Keire. Welcome aboard, Michael and Vicki, we’re glad to have you with us! Click on the links below to read all of this week’s stories.
Edited: We also have a conclusion this week: Shattered Remnants of a Dream by Dan Luffey.
In the news: Our own P.J. Kaiser was recently featured at FFDO, talking about her new role as the fiction editor for Metro Fiction, a paying market for flash fiction under the Metro Moms Network. You can read all about it over on Friday Flash Dot Org.
Be sure to come back tomorrow, when we’re going to announce who will be joining P.J. and Tony as part of Tuesday Serial. Any guesses who the third member of the TS Team might be joining us?
Did you spot any mistakes or broken links in this week’s TuesdaySerial report? Let us know! Do you have news to share in next week’s report? Have an idea for a guest blog post? Let us know!
Here are this week’s participants – please spread the word and invite your friends to enjoy all this web serial goodness, too! Happy reading & writing! 🙂
p.s. Writers, if your story is missing, please leave a comment on this post with the Title, author and a link. Readers, be sure to check the comments for any late additions.