Thanks to all the readers and writers who joined us this week for #TuesdaySerial! We have a bumper crop of 33 serial installments this week. We have four debuts and three conclusions. Debuts are “Adrian Stevens, Quartermaster” by Jaleta Clegg, “Suzie’s House” by Alice Audrey and “Bibliotek” by Paul McLaughlin. Conclusions are “The Prize” by Icy Sedgwick, “Nuthouse” by Aheila and “Seeds that are Sown” by Lisa Vooght. Be sure to stop by and give all new (and returning!) writers a big Tuesday Serial welcome! We hope that Icy, Aheila and Lisa are back with us very soon with new serials.
We have two Tuesday Serial contributors who are participating in Web Series Writing Month (WeSeWriMo): Adam Collings and Xanto Jones. Be sure to join us in giving them support and encouragement throughout the month. If you’re interested in signing up, it’s not too late, hop over to the EpiGuide sign-up page right now. If you sign up, please let us know so we can support you throughout the month.
If you missed Claudia Hall Christian’s guest post last week “Why Your Serial Fiction is Likely to Fail and What You Can Do About It,” then now’s your chance. She’s also looking for suggestions for her next guest post, so check out the poll in her We have a guest post planned for next week from a Tuesday Serial contributor. If you’re interested in submitting a guest post or a query (or know someone who might), then check out our guidelines.
If there are any mistakes or broken links in this week’s report or if you have news to share in next week’s report, let us know.
So, here is the final list of all of this week’s participants – Please share it with your friends! Happy reading & writing! 🙂
ps Writers, if your story is missing, please leave a comment on this post with the Title, author and a link. Readers, be sure to check the comments for any late additions.
I have posted the story-behind-the-story for "Rock the Baby, my web serial from last fall.…
Tim – thanks for sharing that! 🙂