Thanks to all the readers and writers who joined us this week for #TuesdaySerial!  We have 20 installments of serial goodness this week including an incredible FIVE debuts and one conclusion.  The debuts are fro Chrysoula Tzavelas, Kwee Lewis, Icy Sedgwick, Lisa Vooght and Anke Wehner.  Be sure to stop by and give all new (and returning!) writers a big Tuesday Serial welcome!  The conclusion is from Helen A. Howell.  We hope to see Helen back very soon for another serial.  So many options for your reading pleasure!

We’re always on the lookout for interesting articles related to serials, so we thought we’d pass this one on to you  “What’s So Great About Writing Webfiction” by Lyn Thorne-Alder.

Also, check out this interview with friend of Tuesday Serial Claudia Hall Christian in which she talks about serial fiction (among other things).  Our next guest post by Claudia will be up next week.

It’s July – you know what that means?  If you guessed “Next week is Web Series Writing Month (WeSeWriMo)” then you’re right!  During the month of August, we’ll be giving a special shout out to WeSeWriMo participants in our weekly reports and tweeting out encouragement, so be sure to scurry over to the EpiGuide sign-up page right now and check it out.  If you sign up, please send us a DM on Twitter or an email to make sure you’re on our list.  We’ll be checking it twice 😉 (sorry, couldn’t resist!).

If there are any mistakes or broken links in this week’s report or if you have news to share in next week’s report, let us know.

So, here is the final list of all of this week’s participants – Please share it with your friends! Happy reading & writing! 🙂

ps Writers, if your story is missing, please leave a comment on this post with the Title, author and a link. Readers, be sure to check the comments for any late additions.

This linky list is now closed.