Here at Tuesday Serial, we collect the latest episodes from the web’s best serial fiction and deliver it to you each week in this handy dandy report. This week’s Tuesday Serial report has 15 new serial episodes for you including two debuts:

  • Water Water by Amanda Green
  • The Road to War by John Mierau

Note that John’s serial is an audio-only serial – this is a first for Tuesday Serial! Stop by and welcome Amanda and John and check out our other ongoing serials. Happy reading!

As always, #TuesdaySerial is brought to you each week by the team of PJ Kaiser, Tony Noland, and Larry Kollar.

No matter what genres you love, there’s something for you in this week’s offerings. If you’d rather read only completed serials, you’ll find some in our Graduates section (above). In our Hall of Fame, you can find serials that have been subsequently published – make an author happy and go buy one! As always, if you have questions, just let us know!

WRITERS: Do you have news to share in next week’s report? Have an idea for a guest blog post? Did your serial get published? Have some other news for everyone? Shoot us an e.mail ( or a DM (@tuesdayserial) so we can share the good news!

Don’t forget, if you happen to spot any mistakes or broken links in this week’s TuesdaySerial report, let us know! Happy reading (and writing!).

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