Tag: online serial

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#TuesdaySerial Report – May 15, 2019

We’re deep into May now. That means more flowers, more pollen, more grass, more rain and more stories for you to enjoy, including 15 new episodes, 1 DEBUT and 1 CONCLUSION. “The Elysian” by Ben Acosta (DEBUT)...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – May 8, 2019

Another Tuesday gone, another fresh batch of 12 new episodes including 1 DEBUT to enjoy. “Marchlands” by A. C. Luke Be sure to share the love by spreading these stories among your friends and family members! OUR NEW...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – May 1, 2019

Hurray, hurray, it’s the first of May! Outdoor writing begins today! In this week’s edition of Tuesday Serial’s Report there are 10 new episodes including 1 DEBUT to enjoy in your favorite park, in your...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – April 26, 2019

Happy Friday to all!  For this week’s edition of Tuesday Serial’s Report there are 13 new stories for your reading pleasure. Be sure to share the love by spreading these stories among your friends and family members!...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – April 17, 2019

This was definitely the week for Fantasy stories in our #webserial world. We have 15 new episodes, including 1 DEBUT. Open up the windows to your home, find a comfy spot and settle in for a romp through a fantastic world!...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – April 10, 2019

Looks like a slow week in the #webserial world. We just have 9 new episodes. We recommend visiting your local store and stocking up on the latest Easter chocolate items and let them power your stories forward. When in doubt, go...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – April 3, 2019

Happy April all our serial chickadees! As the grass and the flowers bloom, so does our weekly report! 12 new episodes with 1 debut! Next time you’re on your social media, be sure to share this story, and all our entries...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – March 7, 2019

Greetings web serial fans! Thanks for your patience and continued contributions as we finalize the new site. In this week’s report, we have 10 new episodes to bide our time between school closings and shoveling ourselves...

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