Tag: 2017 Archive

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#TuesdaySerial Report – December 29, 2017

2017 has come to a close, and our last 8 entries end our year with a bang. Kudos to Gregory Taylor for finishing his “Epsilon Delta” serial, and welcome to ViolentLink and the debut of “The Last Evil.” We...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – December 19, 2017

We’re winding down for the holidays, but some #TuesdaySerial writers still find time to update their stories (and even start new ones). This week, we have 13 entries, including one debut and one conclusion! This...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – December 15, 2017

Oh, the weather outside is frightful. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! 🙂 For this week’s #TuesdaySerial Report, we have 9 entries! . Coming tomorrow (Saturday) is our next guest post by Carrie Ann Golden.  Be sure to...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – December 9, 2017

Here is your latest Tuesday Serial Report with 9 entries!  . Don’t forget to like our Facebook page! Click on #TuesdaySerial to go there. Also, be sure to Retweet any of our posts about this list so more folks can learn...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – December 3, 2017

Welcome back after your Thanksgiving break! We’re sure you’re gearing up for the Holiday season ahead, so be sure to plan plenty of time to keep up on your serial stories. We don’t want to wait until 2018 to...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – November 16, 2017

Welcome to this week’s Tuesday Serial report. We have 15 new entries. Thanks to all who contributed, you guys are awesome! Later this week, we will have a guest post coming for you so be sure to stay tuned! Don’t forget to...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – November 8, 2017

Welcome to this week’s Tuesday Serial report. We have 12 new entries. Don’t forget to like our Facebook page! Click on #TuesdaySerial to go there. Also, be sure to Retweet any of our posts about this list so more folks can...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – November 6, 2017

Welcome to this week’s Tuesday Serial report. We have 15 new entries. NEWS ALERT: In case you have not received or seen the notice, the popular serial site JukePop will be shutting down on November 15, 2017. We are sad to see it...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – October 26, 2017

Welcome to this week’s Tuesday Serial report. We have 18 new entries including a bonus episode of “Folley’s Circus.”  We @TuesdaySerial hope you’re looking forward to a fun Halloween this coming Tuesday....

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#TuesdaySerial Report – October 20, 2017

Welcome to this week’s Tuesday Serial report. We have 16 new entries with 1 CONCLUSION.  As always, we thank you, faithful writers, for your contributions! Catalyst Chronicles Season One Finale by Bascomb James Don’t...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – October 11, 2017

Thanks to all the writers who contributed to #TuesdaySerial this week! We have 21 entries this week with 3 DEBUTS and 1 CONCLUSION. In case you missed it, #TuesdaySerial regular T4nky has volume 1 of his serial, Nowhere Island...

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