Tag: 2012 Archive

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#TuesdaySerial Report – Dec 18, 2012

With one week to go before Christmas, we had a strong turnout this week. There were 20 submissions to the Tuesday Serial collector, including the conclusion of Mind Noise by Helen A. Howell. Congratulations, Helen! No matter...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – Dec 4, 2012

It’s a great week to read a serial with 29 new serial fiction installments in our report this week. We have two debuts for you including “Undead Girls Online Support Group” by Katy X and “House of...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – Nov 27, 2012

Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday… TuesdaySerial Report Wednesday! We had another strong showing this week with 27 new serial fiction installments, including the debut of Fleet by T.B. Harris. Welcome...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – Nov 20, 2012

In spite of (or perhaps because of?) the holiday week in the U.S., we have a strong showing this week with 24 new serial fiction installments, including two debuts and one conclusion.  For debuts this week we have “Secrets...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – Nov. 13, 2012

With a more sedate week behind us, and colder weather setting in, writers young and old are returning to their keyboards. We had a strong showing, with 34 entries this week, including several debuts: Digital Dreaming by Trip...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – Nov. 6, 2012

Last week it was Superstorm Sandy, this week it was the elections in the U.S. Yet through one disruption after another, the Tuesday Serial crowd is a reliable font of serial goodness! You can elect to read any or all of them! We...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – Oct. 31, 2012

There was this little matter with a storm, and we extended the Collector hours to try to help with that. And we ended up with 23 entries this week. This includes a new debut, The Dark Fantasy by Alex Davidson. No matter what...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – Oct 23, 2012

This week have a nice crop of new serial installments for your reading pleasure with 29 entries. This includes one Debut; Noel Goetz is joining us with Episode 1 of his serial story “Cardinal Meadows.” Please stop by...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – Oct. 16, 2012

What a week it’s been here at TuesdaySerial! We had 27 serial episodes listed, including the DEBUTS of Test of Freedom by Camille LaGuire and Realms of the Afterlife Chapter by Derek McCullough. We also had the CONCLUSIONS...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – Oct. 9, 2012

Summer is over in the Northern Hemisphere, and fall is in the air. With cooler weather settling in, writers are warming up over a hot computer and writing new stories! We had 25 entries this week, including four debuts:...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – Oct 2, 2012

Greetings serial fiction readers! We had a very nice turnout this week – 28 entries, including the debut of “Noir Blood” by Hector Acosta courtesy of our friends over at Jukepop Serials. Welcome aboard, Hector!...

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#TuesdaySerial Report – Sept 25, 2012

We had a big turnout this week – 28 entries, including the debut of “Orphans of the Celestial Sea” by Mark Fenger. Welcome aboard, Mark! Lots of great serial fiction for you, so enjoy it! Tell your friends!...

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