This week, we have some sad Tuesday Serial news to share. Our two founders – Tony Noland and PJ Kaiser – have decided to resign as moderators of the site. Don’t worry, Tony and PJ are just fine. They have decided that other pressing priorities in their personal and professional lives mean that there aren’t enough hours in the day to also continue here at Tuesday Serial.
Tuesday Serial has truly been a labor of love for Tony and PJ and we thank them for their years of service and dedication to the serial fiction community. They started the site back in 2010 after being inspired by the success of the “Friday Flash” community.
So what comes next? Fortunately, Larry is stepping up to take the reins of Tuesday Serial and manage the site into the future. He will need some help, however. So, we are reaching out to our current and past contributors and readers and asking for some volunteers to help Larry moderate the site. If you have a passion for serial fiction, some basic knowledge of WordPress and a bit of free time every two or three weeks (depending on how many volunteers Larry takes on), then please send an email to and let Larry know your background and why you’d like to help moderate the Tuesday Serial site. Larry will go through a selection process and figure out how to take the site forward.
In the meantime? The site will unfortunately be going on a temporary hiatus while Larry reorganizes and chooses his new team. Our last Tuesday Serial for 2016 will be December 20. Larry will keep everybody informed of his plans via the site and Twitter and Facebook. We sincerely apologize to all of our current contributors and we hope that you will rejoin us after the hiatus. So, please don’t delete the #tuesdayserial column on your TweetDeck. And brace yourselves for the future of Tuesday Serial!
We will also be working during the hiatus to make sure that the site is up to date with Graduates and Hall of Fame, so if you have published your serial that appeared here at Tuesday Serial, please get in touch via email and let us know the details.
Don’t forget to check out this week’s Tuesday Serial report which has 23 new serial fiction episodes for your reading pleasure.